New Year's fairy tale for every child

Children are an important and integral part of our lives, bringing joy, happiness and positivity. But it is not for nothing that they say that there are no other people's children and every little inhabitant of our planet deserves love and care. Also this year, Santa Claus did not miss the children with special needs and orphans.

With the initiative and support of the founder of the company "ECO LAND" Artem Bakhtin, a New Year's fairy tale came to these children. And, of course, nothing would have happened without the fruitful cooperation of ECO LAND with the staff of Stanislavsky, Shirokobalkivsky and Oleksandrivsky houses of culture, the library of the village of Oleksandrivka and social workers. Thanks to the team of KZ KDK "Leader", Svetlana Simonyants and the chief specialist of social development of the company "ECO LAND" Vadim Gorb children received unforgettable emotions from theatrical action "New Year's adventures of the Nutcracker", had a rest, played interesting games and just had fun. Finally, the children received gifts from Santa Claus and the executive director of the company "ECO LAND" Alexandra Volovyk. Children from Oleksandrivka had a New Year's game program with Santa Claus and sweet presents.

We would like to thank all those who took part in the New Year's events of this format, those who did not regret their time and in the post-holiday bustle came, rehearsed, left, gathered and held a holiday for children! Also, accept the best wishes and congratulations on the New Year and Christmas from Artem Bakhtin.

Do good and it will surely come back to you!