We are for a clean environment

Today, April 18, Ukraine celebrates Environment Day.

The problem of environmental protection for people of the XXI century is quite relevant and quite painful. Deforestation, garbage chaos, the consequences of the armed conflict in the East, the shallowing of the country's main waterway, the deterioration of air quality… Why is swimming in a normal river becoming more extreme? Why do we have to buy drinking water and not just drink it from the tap? How now to imagine a winter without snow? People are already feeling the effects of carelessness towards nature.

But we can change everything. The founder of the company "ECO LAND" Artem Bakhtin thanks all those who took part in the Action #myzachistedovkollya! By using reusable packaging, you can gradually get rid of plastic and polyethylene, which are so harmful to animals, birds and soil. Having learned to save drinking water, we have the opportunity to save part of this vital resource, which is catastrophically lacking on the planet. We learn to care for the environment and teach it to our children.

ECO LAND for prudent use of resources and clean environment!