The most useful product

"We are what we eat" - Hippocrates.

No wonder there is a relationship: a good diet - a great mood. But how to be in turbo mode "when everyone is at home"? A balanced diet or the ability to eat delicious but not very healthy food? Why prefer?

Under quarantine, our regime, lifestyle, and diet have not remained unchanged, so it is interesting to compare the difference between "before" and "during the" situation "stay at home." Also, it is a great opportunity to understand which products are most used among our population.

As expected, the majority of respondents were residents of Stanislavska OTG, mostly under 55 years old. The best and most popular foods were: meat, fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Flour products received the lowest favor. Fewer participants prefer cereals and fish and only two believe that each product is useful in its own way. The diet of the respondents' families underwent the most significant changes - 37.5% began to eat more often, and snacks were added to the usual diet as much. And it is quite expected that people have to buy buckwheat and rice groats more often. Still, 50% of respondents prefer healthy food and it can not help but rejoice.

So, this small experiment made it clear that in the quarantine mode, our lives still changed. We hope that everyone has chosen their "Best Product". The team of ECO LAND wishes you to saturate your body with useful products, but do not forget about spiritual food. Read books, play sports, spend time with your family. Wash your hands more often and take care of yourself!