Embroidery Day

Every year in Ukraine on the third Thursday of May the Day of an embroidered shirt is celebrated. This holiday is relatively new to us, but it has become very popular, especially among young people.

From ancient times the handicrafts are highly valued. Ukrainian embroidered shirt is a precious work, skillful calm, a tribute to its history. There are more than a hundred embroidery techniques in Ukraine and each region has its own. The most famous are the cross, the surface, the bottom, the net, the runner, the weave. From ancient times, such a shirt was not just clothes, but a real talisman, taking away the trouble from the family. The embroidered shirt is a symbol of health, well-being and beauty, happy destiny and family memory, love and festivity. When they say that a person was born in a shirt, they mean that he is a happy person.

The founder of the company "ECO LAND" Artem Bakhtin congratulates on this holiday of original, unique, colorful Ukrainian culture - the Day of embroidery. As a symbol of the connection of generations, which awakens high patriotic feelings in the heart of every Ukrainian. The team of "ECO LAND" wishes you prosperity and a peaceful sky as bright as a white embroidered shirt!