Plant density at different depths of seed wrapping

Sowing and planting is one of the most important technological processes in field and garden work. Of great importance is the placement in the soil of seeds, tubers, seedlings, seedlings, sprouts with the calculation of the appropriate depth, to ensure a uniform and optimal plant nutrition system. But the quality of seedlings depends not only on crop density. The main indicators are also:

- timeliness of sowing;
- compliance with the seeding rate:
- uniformity of depth of seed wrapping:
- straightness of lines:
- compliance with the specified width of the joint rows:
- no sieves.

The average depth of seed wrapping in the ground - 4-5 cm, with intensive drying of the soil in the case of dry spring, the depth is increased - up to 6-7 cm. With increasing depth of wrapping to 8-10 cm, field germination decreases to 10-12%, in this in this case the seeding rate is increased.

There is a real formula for determining the density of crops, for example, winter wheat. The calculation is performed on typical sections of rows of different sizes in at least four versions. Count the number of plants in a row one meter long. The results of the calculation of each of the options are added. The sum is divided by the number of repetitions to obtain the average value and multiplied by the number of running meters per hectare (with a standard winter sowing with a row spacing of 15 centimeters wide, this number is 66666). The number obtained is an indicator of productive stems per hectare, ie, planting density.

To improve the light regime, sowing is best done in the direction from south to north.

Crop care involves the application of a system of generally accepted measures to protect plants from weeds, pests, diseases, fertilization.