Children for ecology!

"Useful habits of our village / community (we choose ecological)"

The video contest organized by ECO LAND with the support of its founder Artem Pavlovich Bakhtin has come to an end.

The purpose of this video contest was to draw attention to the issues of ecological condition in the territory of residence and popularization of ecological habits. Video works presented by the Belozerska community, Muzykivska STG and the village of Kizomys clearly prove that environmental problems are not uncommon and exist everywhere. But who better than us to change the situation for the better, helping the planet to save itself?

We are pleased to congratulate the contestants and announce that the prizes have been distributed as follows:

- First place - Muzykivska VTC (182 votes);
- Second place - Belozerska community (171 votes);
- Third place - Anastasia Chukhrai, Kizomys village (73 votes).

We sincerely congratulate the winners and thank them for their indifference and active public position. You are incredible! We wish you to continue to cultivate eco habits in your communities and villages; do not be afraid to proudly say about the importance of ecology in our lives!