Indicators of quality grain of wheat and cereals

The best thanks to the workers of the field, garden and vegetable garden are, of course, generous harvests. During the harvest period, skilled owners fill their barns, preparing for the cold and new planting of their product in the soil. Therefore, in the process of growing crops, great importance is attached not only to the quantity of crops, but also to indicators of its quality.

Weather conditions have a great influence on the formation of protein in the grain. In moderately dry years, winter wheat grain contains a higher amount of protein, but with a decrease in soil moisture, the growth of its content is maintained as long as their value in the meter layer is not less than 70-80 mm. Overheating of wheat at the root for 10–12 days, as well as prolonged stay in rolls under adverse conditions lead to a significant deterioration in quality indicators.

The quality of cereal grain is determined by color (degree of color), odor, taste, botanical and physiological evaluation, physical properties and chemical parameters.

Depending on the quality indicators, soft wheat grain is divided into four classes; durum wheat grain - for five. Damage of grain by a bedbug is not more than 1% - for grain of the 1st class, 2% - for grain of the 2-3rd class, not limited - for the 4th class. The strength of flour in alveograph units is not less than 220 - for grain of the 1st class, 160 - for grain of the 2nd class, 130 - for grain of the 3rd class, not limited - for the 4th class.