Belozersk community

We present to your attention a competition video from eco activists of the Belozerska community

ECO LAND, with the support of Artem Bakhtin, is holding a video contest "Useful habits of our village / community (we choose ecological)". We present to your attention videos from the Belozersk community: Tamara Kovalchuk, Bohdan Zhytyakov, Daria Shcherbyna, Kateryna Skochelyas, Sofia Sobol, Rostyslav Novikov, Konstantin Polishchuk, Maksym Polishchuk

"We decided to take part in the competition from" ECO LAND ", because we want to identify the creative potential of participants, their individual abilities, as well as to recognize themselves responsible for preserving the environment. It is also important to instill in young people motivation and habits ecological behavior in relation to man to nature ".

Muzykivska village territorial community

We offer you to watch a video work from Muzykovskaya VTC about current environmental issues of today

ECO LAND, with the support of Artem Bakhtin, is holding a video contest "Useful habits of our village / community (we choose ecological)". Video work from Muzykivska VTC: Olena Dokienko and Maryana Serba.

"We decided to attract the attention of the community, to show what the lack of useful IVF habits leads to and how exactly they should be developed! After all, our future is in our hands!"

"Useful habits of our community. We choose ecological!"

Muzykivska VTC

As a sign of respect, we used to bring artificial flowers to the cemetery. There are many of them, they are beautiful and do not fade, do not require care and significant costs. At first it really looks nice and bright. But, over time, artificial beauty for the dead becomes a threat to the living. It is known that plastic jewelry quickly loses color and appearance, so in a month or two they are thrown away, without even thinking that:

- synthetic fabric decomposes for 40 years;
- plastic with soldered inside wire 100-180 years;
- bright paint contaminates soil and water with toxins;
- during incineration, the radius of dioxin pollution is 24 km.

And all this happens every year throughout Ukraine and beyond. Therefore, in order not to waste time, we started to act, starting with ourselves.

Activists of Muzykivska VTC created a video of a social nature, articles about the harm of artificial flowers, all this information was later posted on all official pages of the community. It really made many people rethink the situation and look at the consequences of using artificial flowers. After all, they are really impressive! The main thing is that we finally realized - we can stop this cycle ourselves! This year we have finally decided that wreaths of fresh flowers and pine needles, fresh flowers planted in the ground, lawn grass, dried flowers and candles can be an alternative to artificial flowers.

We will be building this useful habit for many years to come. We remember that the best gift for the dead is our sincere prayer and good deeds. So, creating artificial beauty for the dead, do not forget about the future of the living!

Olena Dokienko "

The Kizomys village

Here is a video experiment from a girl activist from the village of Kizomys

ECO LAND, with the support of Artem Bakhtin, is holding a video contest "Useful habits of our village / community (we choose ecological)". We are glad to present the video of Anastasia Chukhrai from the village of Kizomys.

"I want to change the attitude of my fellow villagers to the ecology of our village. And show by example that first you need to start changes with yourself, and then others will catch up. And no matter how old you are or who you work for, every small contribution is good bad will affect the nature of the village."